Invest in the human power
First things first: no Development without Human Development.
Beyond the simple accumulation of theoretical knowledge or linear lessons, we provide a global (holistic) learning method, the TOTAL AWARENESS TRAINING SYSTEM. In today’s world, facts, data and basic knowledge are at fingertips, so the encyclopedic knowledge is not the objective. Our goal is to improve the understanding of situations, create a virtuous momentum toward more autonomy for better decisions and actions.
The Concepts behind the Total Awareness Training System
A good mental map is the condition of free enlighten move.
Learning is not visiting a natural history museum with separated sections, dusty collections. It is exploring a living planet, almost an organic system. TATS teachings emphasize the global, integral nature of knowledge.
No more blind spots, prejudicial views, narrow thinking, clustered knowledge.
Real learning takes into account the diversity of knowledge and the multidimensional complexity of the world.
Never lost, better and better.
Like in a fractal development, TATS always keep balance between the deepest details and the global shape. The teachings are meaningful from day one. The deeper you go, the more accurate is your understanding, but from the beginning, your knowledge is structured and usable.
“Feet on Ground” and “Combat Proven”, backed by years of field experience, providing down-to-earth lessons from real situations.
Flexible, fit for individual coaching or large audience lecture.
Respectful of audience background and culture, considered as an asset.
Our TATS Offer
Our Programs are proposed with different level of Mentoring and Tailoring, and cover a large range of Topics impacted by Development.
(click on the different OPTIONS in menu below to see the details)
Most programs are suitable for individual or group audience. Some specific coaching programs are intended for individuals or homogeneous small groups only.
Discover some TATS Tips featured from our Blog
These “Tips” (like in “short advice” or “summit of the mountain”) are one page summaries of ideas, principles or lessons to illustrate the TATS. They are often used as visual support in beginner’s training sessions. Some of them, being of general interest, are presented in our Blog.
“Space I can recover. Time, never.” — Napoleon Bonaparte