
The HIGHTIGER Foundation

The purpose of our Foundation is to promote Actions in favor of Children's development, focusing on affective, intellectual and moral needs.

There are already many official players, NGO or charities organisations bringing valuable assistance to ensure that basic needs are taken care of, such as daily life support, equipments, learning materials, etc….

But to blossom up, a life needs more than the water and light sustaining physical needs. It requires the care of a loving environment and the soul needs food too, hope in a better future, vision that some dreams might become true, feeling that you are not left behind…


Fields of Action

Left behind Children

Sick Children without support

Children without educational perspective


Means of Action

Yearly Scholarships for pupils and students

Direct financial support

PR and promotion (Funds raising events, expos, etc)

Awards, prizes for outstanding achievements in educative action

Prizes Awarded to individuals or organizations

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